Lose weight
Dieting & weight loss in the US is a multi-billion dollar business. With thousands of treatments on the market it can be overwhelming. Certainly for those who are overweight due to overeating, willpower is difficult, and this is the number one reason most of these treatments fail. And even if you do find something that works initially, you’ll likely gain back all the weight you lost when you go off the diet or treatment and return to your old habits.
Hypnotherapy can actually ‘bypass’ your lack of willpower and change the way your subconscious thinks. Healthy eating then becomes effortless. Hypnotherapy for weight loss is based on the same principle as any new skill you might learn; for example, driving a car or cooking a new recipe. Simply thinking about how well it will turn out prepares your mind for a successful outcome. With weight loss, if you picture yourself successful, you’ve won half the battle.
However, if you tell yourself you’re a loser and you’ll never be able to do it, you’re defeated before you even begin. No matter how much willpower you have, your subconscious is simply not prepared to influence the right type of change. You will not lose the weight and you will chalk it up to yet another program that doesn’t work. Every successful person must be able to see himself/herself as a success, long before that success is a reality. Negative opinions filter into your subconscious mind, and before you know it, no amount of therapy, diets, treatments or special herbs from the Amazon jungle will be able to help you.
To achieve permanent weight loss, picture yourself a winner. The rest is easy. Creating a positive self-image with hypnotherapy is the key. Once you are able to do this, you’ll discover convictions you never knew you had. Your ‘mind picture’ of a healthy, successful, thin person becomes the ‘carrot on a stick’ that drives your decisions about food. You’ll naturally be drawn toward healthier choices because your sub-conscious will confirm you are worthy of good health, success and happiness.
It’s hard to believe that hypnotherapy can do all this. And yet, for thousands of previously overweight people, hypnotherapy changed their moods psychologically, bringing with it dramatic weight loss. Picture a Beautiful New You! Hypnotherapy can get you there.